Being stylish is so much more than bodycon dresses or tight ripped jeans. It’s about having your own aesthetic, a defined sense of fashion, smart ways of mixing and matching and a consistency about it. And it is not always tangible.

The truly stylish find many ways to style and accessorize. They are also clear that stylishness doesn’t have to be trendy and they don’t have to be a slave to fashion trends. Nor does it mean buying popular brands. But it does mean putting some thought into your outfits and how you wear them. These are things you decide, but we humbly offer some ideas that may help you find your fashionable style.

First, know what looks good on you. No matter how well tailored an outfit is it does nothing for you if it’s a bad choice for your body type or skin tone. Find colours that complement your skin tone, and your undertones. Beauty professionals say your undertones refer to the colour that comes from under your skin's surface and determines your overall tone. There are three undertones: warm, cool and neutral. A quick and easy way to find yours is to examine your veins. Warm undertones are identified with green veins, while cool undertones are identified with blue veins. If you're having trouble determining the colour of your veins, you probably have the neutral undertone.

Warm undertones merge well with warm colors like warm reds, peach, and gold. Ice blues, lavender, and pink all look great with cool undertones. Both warm and cool tone colors work beautifully with neutral undertones.

To discover your style, find a fashion aesthetic that appeals to you. It could be vintage, y2k, retro, 80s Dancehall, indie, minimalist, preppy, ultra-feminine, earthy, etc. One way you can decide is to take inspiration from celebrities or others whose fashion aesthetic you appreciate. You may be inspired by the iconic character Will from the sitcom "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," or, perhaps you admire how casually singer Billie Eilish chooses to dress. Maybe the Rastafarian aesthetic is what stirs your fashion sense.

What’s important is that you are comfortable and confident in what style you choose. It will affect how well you wear your outfits and the vibe you exude. Discovering your personal style may take some time. But in the end, it is worth it, and saves you time from shopping in the wrong places. Your stylishness is a reflection of who you are and who you want to be in the world. You should wear that with pride!


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